University Educators For Sustainable Development

ESD Professional Development Resources

UE4SD Academy

UE3SD Academy

The UE4SD Academy is a key activity of the UE4SD Project, piloting an approach to ESD professional development for teams from 4 UE4SD partner institutions. The Academy process involved:

The Academy process was designed and co-ordinated by the UE4SD Steering Group, led by the University Autonoma Madrid. It also provides one of the unique examples of new and leading practice in ESD professional development in Higher Education linked to the UE4SD project.

In this section you can find adaptable ideas and materials to explore:

The materials below provide an overview of the Academy experience, based on the final residential programme that took place from 12th to 14th April 2016 in Granada, Spain.

Participants included the 4 pilot university teams, UE4SD Steering Group members and external participants. The residential involved 3 days of action learning, professional development sessions, peer exchange, group discussions and materials development. The aims were to:

Academy ProgrammeAcademy WebinarsAcademy Programme

Individual Academy Projects

Universitat de
Universidad de
Universitat Autònoma
de Barcelona
Universidad del
País Vasco

Project Focus:
Supporting academic staff development through Co-ordinators of Studies to connect teaching and research

Project Focus:
Developing ESD innovation through the early career training activities for university teaching staff

Project Focus:
Professional capacity building in ESD through workshops and online interaction across departments

Project Focus:
Using a Campus Living Laboratory approach to support trans-disciplinary ESD development.